I want to iterate on an ArrayList called localWifiList that contains the wifi networks detected by a wifi scan. For every element of the ArrayList I want to run a query to get all tuples in the database with that specific mac address, create a new object and add this object into a new arrayList called wifiFromDatabase. I wrote this code:`
ArrayList<wifiList> wifiFromDatabase = new ArrayList<wifiList>();
ArrayList<wifiList> localWifiList = ScanService.wifiArraList;
//field to read the values of wifi query results
String mac;
String ssid;
String cid;
String signalLevel;
String capabilities;
String rssi;
String lat, lng;
String date;
String frequency;
int flagInt;
Cursor cursor;
Iterator<wifiList> iterator = localWifiList.iterator();
wifiList element = (wifiList) iterator.next();
cursor = MainActivity.getDBOperationHelper().getWifiTupleByMac
(MainActivity.getDBOperationHelper().getReadableDatabase(), element.getMacAddress());
if (cursor .moveToFirst()) {
while (cursor.isAfterLast() == false) {
mac = cursor.getString(cursor.getColumnIndex(DBOperationHelper.MAC));//
ssid = cursor.getString(cursor.getColumnIndex(DBOperationHelper.SSID));//
capabilities = cursor.getString(cursor.getColumnIndex(DBOperationHelper.CAPABILITIES));//
frequency = cursor.getString(cursor.getColumnIndex(DBOperationHelper.FREQUENCY));//
cid = cursor.getString(cursor.getColumnIndex(DBOperationHelper.CELL_ID_UMTS));//
signalLevel = cursor.getString(cursor.getColumnIndex(DBOperationHelper.SIGNAL_LEVEL_WIFI));//
rssi = cursor.getString(cursor.getColumnIndex(DBOperationHelper.RSSI));
lat = cursor.getString(cursor.getColumnIndex(DBOperationHelper.GPS_LATITUDE_WIFI));//
lng = cursor.getString(cursor.getColumnIndex(DBOperationHelper.GPS_LONGITUDE_WIFI));//
date = cursor.getString(cursor.getColumnIndex(DBOperationHelper.DATE_WIFI));//
flagInt = cursor.getInt(cursor.getColumnIndex(DBOperationHelper.FLAG));
wifiList objectFromDb = WifiPhoneConfiguredNetworkHandler.CreateProperlyWifiListObject(ssid, capabilities, frequency, signalLevel, ConnectionPointAnalyzer.INVALID_ID_WIFI, signalLevel,
mac, rssi, date, cid, lat, lng, flagInt, false);
}else{ //the database has not tuples with this mac
Log.d(ConnectionPointAnalyzer.LOG_TAG, "OracoloBrain.java/AllInterfacesActived: no tuples found in the db with mac = "+element.getMacAddress()+
" ssid = "+element.getSsid());
} `
where the method CreateProperlyWifiListObject create an wifiList object given the fields passed as arguments. I read many thread about this issues, but nothing to do. I try also with synchronized on the arrayList. The exception is thrown by iterator.next() command.
Try to create a copy:
ArrayList<wifiList> localWifiList = new ArrayList<wifiList>(ScanService.wifiArraList);