Does anyone know how to pass parameters to a callback function that you cannot alter?
So here is the code I'm trying to implement (It is a siesta testing method):
waitForComponentQueryVisible: function (parentNext, parameters) {
var th = this,
query = parameters.query,
scope = th,
callback = callFunct,
timeout = 10000;
//The function inside here (returnToParentTester(parentNext, parameters)) is from Base.js
callFunct = function () {
this.test.waitForComponentQueryVisible(query, callback, scope, timeout);
The problem here is of two parts: 1. I cant get the scope just right so I can use the returnToParentTester method that is found in Base.js 2. I want to pass in parentNext into the method but cannot do that when defining it as a callback
this is the method I need to run as the callback:
returnToParentTester: function (parentNext, parameters) {
if (parentNext) {, parameters);
} else {'--Developer Error-- undefined parentNext ' +
'variable. All the chains are going to fail');
I can't get the scope just right so I can use the returnToParentTester method that is found in Base.js
Use the call
method to change the scope:
I want to pass in parentNext into the method but cannot do that when defining it as a callback
Use an anonymous function as a callback and pass parameters within its scope:
then let it do the work:
function foo(myScope, next1, param1)
{, next1, param1)