I'm following the Quick Start Guide, as I've just received my credentials. I went through the coblogin and user (consumer) creation successfully. For test purposes, I was able to search and list sites and infos.
When I try to invoke addSiteAccount1 using the user session token for the consumer that I create, I get an HTTP 200 response and no apparent error, no exceptions or messages. The JSON response is basically the same as the one listed in the API documentation page, however there's no ID I can use to list transactions. I'm using a real login/password account information on Chase (site ID 643).
By the way, if I use random strings for credentialFields[0].value (username) and credentialFields[1].value (password), I get the same JSON response.
Please help me clarify what is not working here.
addSiteAccount1 API will give you a response which should contain "siteAccountId" field this is the identifier for that particular user's Chase bank site. This siteAccountId will have itemIDs which resembles different 'container'(in Yodlee terminology) like, all saving and checking accounts comes under bank container,while credit card comes under credit's container similarly loan and mortgages are other containers.
Now even under a specific container you might have multiple accounts for e.g., Chase Bank container you might have 1 saving's account and 1 checking account, for each there will be an itemAccountId available. This uniquely identifies that specific account and you can pass this itemAccountId (which you can get from getItemSummariesForSite API) in executeUserSearchRequest API to get the transactions belongs to this specific account.
For further help here is the link for the API flow which will give you an idea about how and when to use different APIs.