I have a JSON object that I want to store in a database. The JSON is generated by an User Control.
The JSON object:
var datatosend = {
isit: isitArray,
ec: ecArray,
bc: bcArray,
bb: bbArray,
io: ioArray
What is the best way to record a JSON object in the database using GeneXus?
var isitArray = getObjectsRequest('isit', isitID);
var ecArray = getObjectsRequest('ec', ecID);
var bcArray = getObjectsRequest('bc', bcID);
var bbArray = getObjectsRequest('bb', bbID);
var ioArray = getObjectsRequest('io', ioID);
function getObjectsRequest(type, compId){
var array = [];
for (var i = 0; i<compId; i++) {
var comp = mainLayer.find('#'+ type + i)[0];
xposition: comp.getX(),
yposition: comp.getY(),
titleid: comp.getId(),
description: comp.find('.textDescription')[0].getText(),
leftrelationsids: comp.leftCRelations,
rightrelationsids: comp.rightCRelations
return array;
var datatosend = {
isit: isitArray,
ec: ecArray,
bc: bcArray,
bb: bbArray,
io: ioArray
You can use a LongVarChar attribute to store the JSON, but you'll need to convert the JavaScript object to String first.