I'm developing a system whose requires to capture user fingerprint. I have done this task using a desktop app in Java.
I need to do it via web using a form or dialog, but I have no idea how to do it. I want to avoid applets. Is there a way to place a button in HTML and capture a fingerprint?
I'm using verifinger sdk
UPDATE I sent a message to Verifinger team and they sent me this:
Before starting to implement these questions should be raised and answered:
If you want your browser application to use client side fingerprint scanners and you want to use Neurotechnology components for it - you should write an applet (Java) or ActiveX component and then embed it to C# asp.net application (sorry we do not have sample for that). There are other ways of implementation but the applet is a general approach.
If you want your application to extract and/or do matching on client pc - you will have to use either an applet or ActiveX (in order to run code that references our libraries on clients pc). If you do not want to do that - you can capture an image (either with our components, or maybe just allowing client to select a file), upload it to the back-end (running C# ASP.NET, Java EE or even PHP), do processing there, return the results.
In general the Java Applet sample is a good place to start: you can use it for image capture and/or template extraction and write your own middleware (like enrollment to database or matching) on server (i.e. web services) and reference it from the client browser application.
SDK does include Abis sample java applet. It can be built with Maven running from command prompt this command: "mvn clean install -Papplet"
From SDK\samples\biometrics\java directory (if SDK 5.0 is used)
From SDK\samples\ (if SDK 4.5 is used)
Maven version 3.1.1 is recommended.
I hope it can be useful.
I did an applet which capture the fingerprints and passed them to a javascript function.
I released an example project to to this, explained in this post.
The Verifinger SDK contains components for creating stand-alone or web-based applications.
Available as a software development kit that allows development of stand-alone and Web-based solutions on Microsoft Windows, Linux, Mac OS X, iOS and Android platforms.