On client side:
var ws = new WebSocket('ws://localhost:8082/chat?id=123&tid=7');
On server side
class MyApp implements MessageComponentInterface {
protected $clients;
public function __construct() {
$this->clients = new \SplObjectStorage;
public function onOpen(ConnectionInterface $conn) {
var_dump($conn->WebSocket->request->getQuery()); // I tried to access to query string here, but it did not work
Here is the dump result what I got from my console
class Guzzle\Http\QueryString#85 (5) {
protected $fieldSeparator =>
string(1) "&"
protected $valueSeparator =>
string(1) "="
protected $urlEncode =>
string(8) "RFC 3986"
protected $aggregator =>
protected $data =>
array(0) {
I can't see any clue about the value of two query strings on my URL id
and tid
Updated: I have tried to dump all in the variable $request
on Http/Route to check, I can see the getQuery works, but how could I do same thing on the function onOpen?
protected $url =>
class Guzzle\Http\Url#67 (8) {
protected $scheme =>
string(4) "http"
protected $host =>
string(9) "localhost"
protected $port =>
protected $username =>
protected $password =>
protected $path =>
string(5) "/chat"
protected $fragment =>
protected $query =>
class Guzzle\Http\QueryString#66 (5) {
protected $fieldSeparator =>
string(1) "&"
protected $valueSeparator =>
string(1) "="
protected $urlEncode =>
string(8) "RFC 3986"
protected $aggregator =>
protected $data =>
array(3) {
The message is transferred correctly between the client and server but the query strings. Any help is appreciated.
I don't really comprehend the following code in src\Ratchet\Http then I don't make sure whether it is a bug or not.
$parameters = array();
foreach($route as $key => $value) {
if ((is_string($key)) && ('_' !== substr($key, 0, 1))) {
$parameters[$key] = $value;
$url = Url::factory($request->getPath());
But I have modified as following:
$parameters = $request->getQuery();
My above line will override the iteration to set something into the $params
. At least I can access to the query strings