I want to use currently loaded webpage in internet explorer as HtmlDocument
in HtmlAgilityPack. I am using explorer document through mshtml as COM object.
mshtml.HTMLDocument doc = explorer.Document as mshtml.HTMLDocument;
Then I've tried to convert it to HtmlDocument which is using in HtmlAgilityPack
HtmlAgilityPack.HtmlDocument hdoc = (HtmlAgilityPack.HtmlDocument)doc;
But it's not working due to invalid cast operation. Exception message is shown below.
Anyhow I want to use currently loaded webpage as source to htmlagilitypack, I know that I can use HtmlWeb provided by htmlagility pack and load current url but I want to highlight elements which are in the loaded page (elements found using htmlagilitypack) I guess it cannot be done through that kind of implementation. Any ideas to implement this any support will be great. thanks.
Of course you can't cast between mshtml.HTMLDocument
and HtmlAgilityPack.HtmlDocument
, they're completely distinct classes from different libraries, where one is purely managed and the other is a managed COM wrapper.
What you can do is grab the HTML from the mshtml.HTMLDocument
and load it into the Agility Pack.
Probably something along these lines:
mshtml.IHTMLDocument3 sourceDoc = (mshtml.IHTMLDocument3) explorer.Document;
string documentContents = sourceDoc.documentElement.outerHTML;
HtmlAgilityPack.HtmlDocument targetDoc = new HtmlAgilityPack.HtmlDocument();
You could also use the IPersistStream
and then call the Save method, pass a MemoryStream
and then feed that to the HtmlAgilityPack.