I have a multi-lingual MVC web application referencing multiple projects. The application's resources are also defined in separate projects/modules, for example Application.Models.Resources.
This approach has worked well with the initial language set but now I have added additional languages to the resource projects, the new language resources dlls are not be copied to the application's /bin folder. For example, a Swedish language ('sv') variant was added to the resource project, it is not being copied to the /bin/sv folder of the application.
The resource file has its Access Modifier set to 'Public'.
What am I missing? How can I ensure that the language variants are installed?
Any advice would be appreciated.
Whilst there might be other solutions to this problem, I found that removing the references to the resource projects from the solution and then re-referencing them (Add existing project) fixed the problem. Other users with this problem might also want to try unloading and then reloading the resource projects (I was unable to test this as the first method resolved the problem).