As the title says, I have problem with LuaJava and EnumMap. I'm trying to do a RPG Library, so we have a Character with some Attributes and a list of them. In the code below, I'll report only important things.
I have a class called ConcreteAttribute that extends AbstractAttribute, that has a constructor with a String and two int.
public abstract class AbstractAttribute {
protected String name;
protected int baseValue;
protected double baseMolt;
public AbstractAttribute(String name, int valoreBase, double moltBase){ = name;
this.baseValue = valoreBase;
this.baseMolt = moltBase;
/*Getters and Setters*/
Then I have an Enum called StatType, that represents the stat you have in RPG games:
public enum StatType {
HP, MP, Attack, Defense;
I have also a class called PlayableCharacter, that has (I'll report only important things):
public abstract class PlayableCharacter extends Character{
protected EnumMap<StatType, ConcreteAttribute> statistiche;
public EnumMap<StatType, ConcreteAttribute> getStatistiche(){
return statistiche;
and a "put" method from Map.
To create a new character, I'm currently doing this ("Eroe" extends PlayableCharacter):
public static void main(String[] args) {
PlayableCharacter pers = new Eroe("Eroe 1");
ConcreteAttribute atk = new ConcreteAttribute("Attacco", 20, 0);
pers.getStatistiche().put(StatType.Attacco_Fisico, atk);
and works fine, but I don't think it is the best solution when you have a lot of ConcreteAttribute and a lot of Character. So I was thinking to use Lua to create "concrete" istance of Character, this way (little example):
-- Eroe 1.lua
function create(eroe)
eroe:setName("Eroe 1")
attributes = luajava.bindClass("personaggi.attributi.StatType")
attacco = luajava.newInstance("personaggi.attributi.ConcreteAttribute", "Attacco", 20, 0)
eroe:getStatistiche():put(attributes.Attacco_Fisico, attacco)
but I get this error: PANIC: unprotected error in call to Lua API (attempt to call a nil value). The problem is with the last line, but I'm really new to Lua and I don't even know if Lua can handle EnumMap.
Any solution to this?
Thanks to all and sorry for my bad English ^^
EDIT: I've edited the code, I found an error
An enum constant is public member of its enum class, but you are accessing it like a method using :
So instead of attributes:Attacco_Fisico
you need to use attributes.Attacco_Fisico