Hi so even though I have seen a couple of topics about linking activities or returning I can not get my return back to activity to work. I abit of back ground the the app when the user gets an answer wrong or runs out of time it goes to game over taking the score across with it and displaying it on the game over, here's the working code for that if it helps solve my issue: Main Class:
public void fail(){
Intent myIntent = new Intent(MainActivity.this,gameover.class);
myIntent.putExtra("number", score);
gameover class:
public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
re_run = (Button) findViewById(R.id.retry);
EndScore = (TextView) findViewById(R.id.show);
int getVal;
getVal = getIntent().getExtras().getInt("number");
String s = String.valueOf( getVal );
Now the reason I shared the above working code because I have the feeling the intent that takes the user and score to the gameover screen, is messing with the retry/return code as shown below:
private void setButtonOnClickListeners(){
re_run.setOnClickListener(new OnClickListener(){
public void onClick(View v) {
Intent retry = new Intent(getApplicationContext(),
From what I can find from those topics these seems to be the correct method. but when the code is run the re_run button does nothing. Any help?
You use "setButtonOnClickListeners()
" to implement setOnClickListener and so override the onClick. But when did you call setButtonOnClickListeners?
public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
setContentView(R.layout.gameover); re_run = (Button)
EndScore = (TextView) findViewById(R.id.show);
int getVal;
getVal = getIntent().getExtras().getInt("number");
String s = String.valueOf( getVal );
You can maybe check that your OnClick is working correctly adding a log line in LogCat. Log.d("GameOver", "Retry onclick ok");