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Dealing with special characters in SPARQL-Filter expressions

I access the SPARQL-Endpoint of dbpedia[1] to get the URI for a given city. I use the following query to achieve this:

PREFIX rdfs: <>
PREFIX dbpedia: <> 
select distinct * where 
  {?uri rdfs:label ?label. 
  FILTER (REGEX(STR(?label), "^Köln$", "i")). 
  ?uri a dbpedia:PopulatedPlace.

If I query for a city without a german umlaut, everything works fine, but if there is an umlaut, I get nothing. When executing this query via code, I even get a 406-error (not acceptable)

Any idea, how to deal with umlauts in a SPARQL-query against dbpedia?

Thanks in advance,



  • There seems to be a bug in the handling of your character, maybe in transport, or otherwise. It does work when you just write it down in unicode hex for ö, like so:

    PREFIX rdfs: <>
    PREFIX dbpedia: <> 
    select distinct * where 
      {?uri rdfs:label ?label. 
      FILTER (REGEX(STR(?label), "^K\u00F6ln$")). 
      ?uri a dbpedia:PopulatedPlace.

    Edit: I see now that this isn't working with the 'i' flag. Documentation suggests the 'u' flag would be applicable here.