As the title says, I have tried THREEx and Stemkovskis standalone KeyboardState.js , and neither of them seems to update properly.
This is my code:
m_vKeyboard = new THREEx.KeyboardState();
// m_vKeyboard.update(); // if using stemkovskis
if (m_vKeyboard.pressed("F")) {
alert("And now it is always true!");
you click the F key once, release it; alert window pops up, click OK, it pops up again for all eternity. How come?
Many browsers repeat keydown
. Read more here and here (ctrl+f : auto-repeat)
Here's a proposed solution for your specific problem :
A. when keydown
store its state as true
in some array and make it false on keyup
wasPressed['F'] = true; //on keydown
wasPressed['F'] = false; //on keyup
B. when checking for next keydown
check its state as well.
if (m_vKeyboard.pressed("F") && !wasPressed['F'])
Find full implementation : Here
var wasPressed = {};
if( keyboard.pressed('F') && !wasPressed['f'] ){
alert("F was pressed");
prompt("Enter data : ");
wasPressed['f'] = true;
keyboard.domElement.addEventListener('keydown', function(event){
wasPressed = {};