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ember-cli custom authenticator simple auth session authentication failed

What do I need to add to the code to initiate the sessionAuthenticationFailed(error). Right now it works when I have a successful login but I would like it also to show a message when when an incorrect username and/or password is entered.

here is what I have within authenticate in my custom authenticator

authenticate: function(credentials) {
        var _this = this;
        return new Ember.RSVP.Promise(function(resolve, reject) {
            Ember.$.post( _this.serverTokenEndpoint, {
                email: credentials.identification,
                password: credentials.password
            }).then(function(response) {
                    resolve({ token: response.session.token }); 
            }, function(xhr, status, error) {
                var response = JSON.parse(xhr.responseText);

I would also like to show an error message. What do I need to put in my loginController.


  • The session's authenticate method returns a promise. You can attach a then to that and handle it accordingly in your controller, e.g.:

    this.get('session').authenticate('authenticator', { … }).then(function() { /*success*/ }, function() { /* error */ });

    or if you're using the LoginControllerMixin:

    export Ember.Route.extend(LoginControllerMixin, {
      actions: {
        authenticate: function() {
          this._super().then(function() { /*success*/ }, function() { /* error */ });

    The sessionAuthenticationFailed should be called automatically anyway whenever authentication fails but if you want to e.g. display an error message when authentication fails etc. I'd use above approach.