Good day,
The following is my jsp code:
<sx:row key="com.ui.batchRefNo">
<s:link beanclass="com.ui.Batches" event="detail" addSourcePage="true">
${paymentHistory.batchRefNo }
<sx:input name="print" image="buttons.print" cssClass="btn-primary" onclick="framePrint('mainFrame');return false" simple="true"/>
The following is my output after I click on print button:
Suppose it should only display
File Batch Ref No 20140814AP007
, the rest of word inside the bracket is because of beanClass
I already try make a division with style="display:none;"
and put the link inside this division, but still same out put.
Kindly advise.
I found the solution as follow:
@media print {
.noprint {display:none !important;}
a:link:after, a:visited:after {
display: none;
content: "";