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Mixing JSF EL in a JavaScript file

Is there a way to have Expression Language (EL) expressions included JavaScript files be evaluated by JSF?

I was hoping that Seam might have a way around this, but no luck so far. All I want is to be able to use localized messages in my JavaScript functions which are shared across pages.


  • Five ways:

    1. Declare it as global variable in the parent JSF page.

      <script type="text/javascript" src="script.js"></script>
      <script type="text/javascript">
          var messages = [];
          <ui:repeat value="#{bean.messages}" var="message">
              messages['#{message.key}'] = '#{message.value}';

      Or, if it's in JSON format already.

      <script type="text/javascript" src="script.js"></script>
      <script type="text/javascript">var messages = #{bean.messagesAsJson};</script>
    2. Put the whole <script> in a XHTML file and use ui:include to include it.

      <script type="text/javascript" src="script.js"></script>
      <ui:include src="script-variables.xhtml" />
    3. Pass *.js through the JspServlet (only if it's enough to evaluate only the ${} expressions). E.g. in web.xml (the <servlet-name> of JspServlet can be found in web.xml of the servletcontainer in question, it's usually jsp).

    4. Make use of "good old" JSP with a modified content type. Rename script.js to script.jsp and add the following line to top of JSP (only if it's enough to evaluate only the ${} expressions):

      <%@page contentType="text/javascript" %>
    5. Let JS obtain the data ajaxically during load. Here's a jQuery targeted example.

      $.getJSON('json/messages', function(messages) {
          $.each(messages, function(key, value) {
              $.messages[key] = value;