Is there any way to create a variable storage in per session/http request? The variable must be globally accessible and different per HTTP request/connection/session, and need not be passed from function to function.
For example (just to illustrate):
setVariableThatCanBeAccessedByThisHTTPRequestOnly( 'a string data' );
Anything should work, but I'd prefer to stay away from passing it from function to function.
//I'm trying to get rid of passing req parameter to all custom functions.
//I'd like to store it in a variable somehow, that it can be accessed globally, but only within that session/request.
exports.functionName = function( req, res ) {
customFunctionThatRequiresReq( req );
I've been playing with node.js lately, and have a little concern about its GLOBAL scope. Let's say we have a server.js file:
username = ""; //Global scope
Then when a connection is established and the server receives a request, it will do the followings:
username = selectUsernameWithConditions(); //This will return a username
My question is: If 2 different computers are sending the requests to the server, will the value of username
be independently different? I mean, does the username
when the first request is processed different from the username
when the second request is processed, or they are just one variable and will be overridden?
If they are overridden, what is the best way to store data and make them globally accessible within that requests and/or session only? For example, the following code:
username = selectUsernameWithConditions(); //This will return a username
Will assign username
differently for different requests and not overriding each other.
Yes, with some caveats.
You're looking for a module called continuation-local-storage.
This allows you to keep arbitrary data for the remainder of callbacks for the current request, and access it in a global fashion.
I wrote a blog post about it here. But the gist is this:
npm install --save continuation-local-storage
Create a namespace for your app (at the top of the main file for your app)
var createNamespace = require('continuation-local-storage').createNamespace,
namespace = createNamespace('myAppNamespace');
Create a middleware that runs downstream functions in the cls (continuation-local-storage) namespace
var getNamespace = require('continuation-local-storage').getNamespace,
namespace = getNamespace('myAppNamespace'),
app.use(function(req, res, next) {
// wrap the events from request and response
// run following middleware in the scope of the namespace we created {
namespace.set(‘foo’, 'a string data');
Since you ran next
, any downstream function can access data in the namespace
var getNamespace = require('continuation-local-storage').getNamespace,
namespace = getNamespace('myAppNamespace');
// Some downstream function that doesn't have access to req...
function doSomething() {
var myData = namespace.get('foo');
// myData will be 'a string data'
There is the caveat that certain modules can "lose" the context created by cls. This means that when you go to lookup 'foo' on the namespace, it won't have it. There are a few ways to deal with this, namely using another module like cls-redis, cls-q, or binding to the namespace.