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Error message System.StackOverflowException

i am writing some menu code thats causes fade in/outs when going between the menus and i have ran into a small snag i usually make the easiest of mistakes to fix but never seem to spot whats under my own nose if anyone could have a look and tell me how stupid i am would be greatful.

public override float Alpha
        return Alpha;
        Alpha = value;

        if (alpha == 1.0f)
            increase = false;
        else if (alpha == 0.0f)
            increase = true;

thats the code and the full error message is - An unhandled exception of type 'System.StackOverflowException' occurred in Platformer.exe


  • Check your capitalization. You meant to write:

    public override float Alpha 
          return alpha;
          alpha = value;
          // more code...

    The way you wrote it, Alpha is calling itself first. Which will call itself first. Which will... you get the pattern :)