Has anyone been successful in using GLSL 3 ES shaders with three.js library? From what I know it is impossible for latest revision (r68) beacuse one can't even set a directive (which is required, and has to be before anything else in shader code):
#version 300 es
beacause of prefix that is added to each shader by three.js.
Does anyone knows any solution to that problem? Would it be enough to change the three.js code to append the directive on the begining of the threejs shader prefix?
Three.js uses WebGL, which is available in web browsers, not GLES, which is a variant of OpenGL for mobile devices. While it is true that WebGL is itself closely related to GLES2, it is still a different thing. And currently, there only exists WebGL 1.0. Maybe future version will be more related to GLES3, but currently, no WebGL implementation will support ES 3 shaders.