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Exploding a string multiple times then Imploding it

I have been trying to explode a string twice then imploding it. Here's what I mean by exploding it twice. So I have a string


I want to edit the third zero and change it to one. How do I do that? I"ve tried exploding the : then exploding the , but then Idk how to implode it.

I have tried this code but I can't implode the :

$exploding = ':0,0,0,1,0,0:0,0,0,0,0:';
        $explode = explode(':', $exploding);
        $explodes = explode(',', $explode[1]);
        $explodes[$part] = $type;
        $explodes = implode(',', $explodes);


  • I added another answer specifically answering the question asked, but might I suggest a different approach that is more extensible to more complex problems? PHP allows you to access strings as arrays, with the index being the zero-based position of a character in the string.


    $string = ':sd0,2[wsdsjds0sdfs0ksdjse00df0';
    echo $string.'<br />';
    $zeroCounter = 0;
    for ($i=0;$i<strlen($string);$i++) {
        if ($string[$i] === '0') {
            $zeroCounter += 1;
            if ($zeroCounter === 3) {
                $string[$i] = '1';
    echo $string;



    Let me know if you have any questions!