I have homepage, contact page, and several other product related pages in my app.
The goal is to apply a background image to ONLY specifc routes: /homepage
and /contact
. If user navigates away from either route, apply some css change.
I am hacking this together now with a helper on my homepage, like so:
Template.homepage.rendered = function () {
var route = Router.current();
if ( route.path == '/' ) {
document.body.className = "showBackgroundImage";
Partial win here, since this will activate the css, but I need to deactivate when route changes. I have also tried the following within my router.js
this.route('homepage', {
path: '/',
onAfterAction: function (argument) {
// add a class name to body
document.body.className = "showBackgroundImage";
And CSS in the background standard:
.showBackgroundImage {
background: url(bgImage.jpg) no-repeat center center fixed;
This is easily done using iron:router
layouts and applying a different class to each pages via routing.
First you need to define a main-layout such as :
<template name="mainLayout">
<!-- optional navbar yield -->
{{> yield region="navbar"}}
<div class="{{currentRouteName}}-page">
{{> yield}}
<!-- optional footer yield -->
{{> yield region="footer"}}
The currentRouteName
helper should look something like :
return Router.current()?Router.current().route.getName():"";
Then I recommend associating a RouteController
to your main-layout that will serve as the base class for all of your RouteController
// yield navbar and footer templates to navbar and footer regions respectively
Next you need to make sure that your routes use a controller which is derived from MainController
// optional, by default iron:router is smart enough to guess the controller name,
// by camel-casing the route name and appending "Controller"
So now your home route page is surrounded by a div having an "home-page" class, so you can style it in plain CSS (or better yet, using LESS) :
/* your css goes here */
If you define other routes, this will work seamlessly, just inherit from MainController
and you'll have a page with route-name-page class automatically.
Of course, you can use the same style for multiple pages, just specify it in CSS :
.home-page, .contact-page{
/* your css goes here */
You can do really nice stuff with layouts, I highly encourage using them.