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How to change the background of a ScrollPane (JavaFX/ScalaFX)?

I want to change the background color of a ScrollPane. This is part of my code where I try to do that:

    val sp=new javafx.scene.control.ScrollPane(new Group(new Text(...)))
    sp.setStyle("-fx-background-color: blue")
    sp.setBackground(new Background(Array(new BackgroundFill(Color.DARKCYAN,new CornerRadii(0),Insets(0)))))

Text appears OK, but both attempts to change the background color have no effect, using:
Scala version 2.10.3 (Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM, Java 1.8.0_05).

Inspecting with Scenic View, I discover that two StackPanes have unexpectedly appeared in the scene graph below the ScrollPane, so the hierarchy is:

  1. ScrollPane //which I created
  2. StackPane //UNEXPECTED -- clips the content
  3. StackPane //UNEXPECTED -- full size content
  4. Group //which I created
  5. Text //which I created

If I change the background of either of the StackPane-s to, say, "-fx-background-color: blue" (with Scenic View), it has effect, but not the style of the ScrollPane. But how to do that from code? If I do


, it says


Is there a simple way to access the StackPanes or change the background? I could "slap in" a big filled rectangle, but that seems ugly and complicates resizing, what is wrong with the background proper?


  • sp.setStyle("-fx-background: blue")

    instead of:

    sp.setStyle("-fx-background-color: blue")