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Controller wont refresh when ui-sref state change


Clicking a ui-sref links wont refresh named views' controller.


How can I refresh the WeeklyCtrl When clicking on a ui-sref="{ adSlug: promo.code })" from SidePanelCtrl

note there is a reload on the page. I see the favicon blink but no re-init of any controllers routes.js

  .state('root', {
    url: '/',
    abstract: true,
    views: {
      '': {
        templateUrl: 'views/main.html',
        controller: 'MainCtrl'
  .state('', {
    url: ':storeSlug',
    views: {          
      'sidepanel': {
        templateUrl: 'views/partials/side-panel.html',
        controller: 'SidePanelCtrl'
      'weekly': {
        templateUrl: 'views/partials/weekly.html',
        controller: 'WeeklyCtrl'
  .state('', {

    url: '/page',

  .state('', {
    url: '/:adSlug',



<div ui-view=""></div>


  <div ui-view="weekly"></div>
  <div ui-view="sidepanel"></div>


<a ng-repeat="promo in promos" ui-sref="{ adSlug: promo.code })"  >

When WeeklyCtrl init it triggers an api call to will trigger.


In the end I want this to trigger again when I switch between promos


On click of a link: API responds 3 times. controller reinits multiple times 3 times


  • I guess it's default behaviour. If you want to actually refresh the controller too, add this function to your controller:

    $scope.boom = function(promoCode){
              { adSlug: promoCode }, { notify: true }); 

    and in your view:

    <a ng-repeat="promo in promos" 
        ng-click="boom(promo.code);$event.preventDefault();"  >

    If you don't like this, feel free to download the source code of ui-sref and create new directive based on that, called ui-sref-ctrl

    That's how ui-router is designed.

    The controller is only loaded when it isn't in the same state. ui-router will not rerun a controller, and not reevaluate a view template. Even when you use the same controller on multiple states and switch between those, the controller will not rerun.

    "ui-sref" does not refresh the "ui-view"(its controller does not rerun) when a link is clicked twice