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Increase speed of Oracle query running on ExaData

I am working on an Oracle query and I badly need to make it go faster. I would greatly appreciate any advice.

  • The database is Oracle, running on an ExaData cluster.
  • Oracle version: Oracle Database 11g Enterprise Edition Release - 64bit Production

I have two tables.

1) Transactions: a purchase at a store - TransactionID

2) TransactionItems: each purchase has 1..many items - TransactionID, ItemID

In each table, there are two flags:

  • FlagA: Y/N
  • FlagB: Y/N

The query needs to:

  1. Set the value of FlagA and FlagB for every record in TransactionItem.
  2. Set the value of FlagA and FlagB for each row in Transaction, based on the values of the Flags in TransactionItem

I have broken my query into 4 steps.

  1. Set value of Flag A for TransactionItem
  2. Set value of Flag B for TransactionItem
  3. Set value of Flag A for Transaction
  4. Set value of Flag B for Transaction

The query runs smoothly. However, this is the catch. There are billions of Transaction records, and each Transaction has about 7 Transaction Items.

Here is how fast it goes now:

  • Total time: 616 seconds / 10.27 minutes
  • Processes 1,218 Transactions per second / 73,000 transactions’ per minute

I tracked the process time for each step:

  1. Set value of Flag A for TransactionItem

    • 4 minutes 52 seconds
  2. Set value of Flag B for TransactionItem

    • 3 minutes 26 seconds
  3. Set value of Flag A for Transaction

    • 1 minute 6 seconds
  4. Set value of Flag B for Transaction

    • 0 minutes 51 seconds

Below is my full query. Here are the other tables used


  • Each TransactionItem has a ProductId Each product has a ProductCode.
  • One product code has many Products


  1. A single column with a list of ProductCodes that are categorized as FlagA


  1. A single column with a list of ProductCodes that are categorized as FlagB


  1. This is a fact table containing payment details for each transaction


  1. Links to TransactionPayment on PaymentID
  2. This is needed because FlagB is set based on Payment_Dim.PaymentName

I have these indexes:

Transactions 1. TransactionID

TransactionItems 1. TransactionID 2. ProductID

Product 1. ProductID 2. ProductCode

FlagAproductCodes 1. ProductCode

FlagBproductCodes 1. ProductCode

Payment 1. PaymentID 2. PaymentCode 3. Payment_Name

I really appreciate the help, thanks

-- 1.   Set value of FlagA for TransactionItem

          TransactionItems  Item

Set FlagA = 

                              Item.FlagA_Qty = 0 Then 'N' -- this is the quantity of items purchased that fall into the FlagA category

                              FlagA.ProductCode Is Null Then 'N'  



                    Product Prod 
                    Left Join 
                              FlagAproductCodes FlagA 
                                        On Product.ProductCode = FlagA.ProductCode   

Product.Prod_Id = Item.Prod_Id                    


-- 2.  Set value of FlagB for TransactionItem

Update TransactionItems

Set  FlagB = 'Y'

Where ItemID In 
                    TransactionItems Trans_Items
                    Inner Join Product Prod 
                              On Trans_Items.Prod_Id = Product.Prod_Id 
                    Inner Join FlagBproductCodes FlagB 

                              On Product.ProductCode = FlagB.ProductCode
                              Trans_Items.Gov_FlagA_Qty < Trans_Items.Item_Qty
                              (Select Transaction_Payment_Fid 
                              From TransactionPayment Trans_Pay

                                        Inner Join Warehouse.Payment_Dim Pay_Dim 
                                                  On Trans_Pay.Payment_Id = Pay_Dim.Payment_Id
                                        Transaction_Fid = Trans_Items.Transaction_Fid 
                                        And Upper(Pay_Dim.Payment_Name) Like '%ABC%'
Update TransactionItems
Set FlagB = 'N'
Where FlagB Is Null;

-- 3: Set FlagA for Transactions


          Gov_FlagA_Flag =
                    Case When Exists 
                              (Select ItemID 
                              From TransactionItems Item 
                              Where Item.Transaction_Fid = Transactions.Transaction_Fid 
                              and gov_FlagA_flag = 'Y') 
                              Then 'Y'
                    Else 'N'

-- 4: Set FlagB for Transactions


          FlagB =
                    Case When Exists 
                              (Select ItemID 
                              From TransactionItems Item 
                              Where Item.Transaction_Fid = Transactions.Transaction_Fid 
                              And FlagB = 'Y') 
                              Then 'Y'
                    Else 'N'


  • You need to look into parallel execution, which is probably too broad a topic to fully explore here. (And I'm not qualified to say much about it).

    In the meantime you might get some benefit by only updating each table once, and reducing the number of incidental look-ups. This is untested but I think covers the same logic as your three updates against TransactionItems, for example:

    merge into TransactionItems TI
    using (
      select P.Prod_ID,
        case when FAPC.ProductCode is null then 'N' else 'Y' end as FlagA,
        case when FBPC.ProductCode is null then 'N' else 'Y' end as FlagB
      from Product P
      left join FlagAproductCodes FAPC on FAPC.ProductCode = P.ProductCode
      left join FlagAproductCodes FBPC on FBPC.ProductCode = P.ProductCode
    ) temp
    on (temp.Prod_id = TI.Prod_ID)
    when matched then
    update set TI.FlagA = case when temp.FlagA = 'Y' and TI.FlagA_Qty != 0
        then 'Y' else 'N' end,
      TI.FlagB = case when TI.FlagA_Qty < TI.Item_Qty
        and exists (
          select Transaction_Payment_Fid 
          from TransactionPayment TP
          join Payment_Dim PD on TP.Payment_Id = PD.Payment_Id
          where TP.Transaction_Fid = TI.Transaction_Fid 
          and upper(PD.Payment_Name) Like '%ABC%'
        ) then 'Y' else 'N' end

    You might prefer to create an updatable view. But on that volume of data it's still going to take a long time.

    This might also be useful.