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How to write a custom picker widget for a kendo ui grid?

I want to add a custom editor to a particular field in the kendo grid. The target cell must display a icon (similar to dropdown list),and on click i need a window/form popup below the trigger, containing form elements and a grid. Is it possible?


  • Yes, it is possible. You can use the template option of the column to create an icon. Here is a complete demo:

      <div id="grid"></div>
      <div id="popup">
        <select data-bind="value: brand">
        <button class="k-button" id="done">Done</button>
          dataSource: {
            data: [
              { brand: "BMW" }
          columns: [
            { field: "brand" },
              template: '<button class="k-button" onclick="edit(\'#= uid #\')">Change brand</button>'
          visible: false
        }).on("click", "#done", function() {
          var popup = $("#popup").data("kendoWindow");
        function edit(uid) {
          var grid = $("#grid").data("kendoGrid");
          var dataItem = grid.dataSource.getByUid(uid);
          kendo.bind("#popup", dataItem);
          var popup = $("#popup").data("kendoWindow");
          var popup = $("#popup").data("kendoWindow");