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Onchange event with AngularStrap select element

I want to execute a function when the value of the select element changes (the select element in angular-strap is html tag)

 <button type="button" class="btn btn-default" ng-model="selectedCriteria" data-html="1" ng-options="choice.value as choice.label for choice in selectChoices" bs-select>
      Action <span class="caret"></span>

My JS:

$scope.selectedCriteria = "Location";
$scope.selectChoices = [{'value':'Location','label':'<i class=\'fa fa-map-marker\'></i> Location'},
{'value':'Age','label':'<i class=\'fa fa-male\'></i> Age'}];

I tried putting an ng-click directive with a function in the controller but it captures the value of the current selected value on click not when the element changes



  • There are a couple of options one is using ngChange Reference

    The other is using $watch. See the $watch section of the scopeapi reference

    An example using watch (this would be in your controller)

    $scope.$watch('selectedCriteria', function() {

    An example using ngChange

    <button type="button" class="btn btn-default" 
       ng-model="selectedCriteria" data-html="1" 
       ng-options="choice.value as choice.label for choice in selectChoices" bs-select>
          Action <span class="caret"></span>