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Disable GIF autoplay

I'm looking for a way to automaticly disable autoplay for the animated gifs posted on my little chat-site (php-based) I think I'm getting close, but I'm all out of ideas with this script:

function disableAutoplay()
<body onload="disableAutoplay();"> 

Objective: Prevent posted GIF's (animated) from automaticly starting onload. Thanks


Able to make it work with jquery but-> Trying to figure out a cleaner way to do this, that suggestion about mouseover-events got me thinking, perhaps something like this would be possible?

        $com  = $_POST['txt'];
        $count = strlen($com);
        $com = stripslashes($com);
        $alter1 = array(".gif");
        $com = str_ireplace($alter1, ".gif autoplay=false onmouseover **MAKE IT PLAY**", $com);

I'm on thin ice now, not even sure that it's possible to control GIFs like this with HTML-tags


  • I don't know if there is native way of stopping, but what you can do is just put static png/jpeg picture which is starting point of your gif picture. Then when you hit play, replace that static image with animated gif one.


    window.document.onload = function(e){ 
       var myVid=document.getElementsByTagName('img');
       var gifPath=myVid.src;
       // now you can use your gif depending on business logic

    PS: the code was not tested... this is for just showing a pseudo code.