I've installed BlackBerry Plugin for Eclipse. Create simple Hello World blackberry application. Execute "Run as BlackBerry Application". But in simulator window I couldn't see application running. Could not find corresponding icon in Applications folder. I tried to add this line in the eclipse.ini file before the vmargs option:
C:/Program Files/Java/jre7/bin/javaw.exe
so the file eclipse.ini in all is:
C:/Program Files/Java/jre7/bin/javaw.exe
but I still Have the problem (I can't find my app icon in the "Downloads menu"),an help pleaze an thanks
Press the "BlackBerry" button on the simulator "device", it is located at the left under the device screen. The desktop will be shown.
Look at where the red arrow points on the picture below.
Navigate to "Downloads" folder (on the picture above it is in the red rectangle) and open it.
Your application should be there.