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Mule Schema validation when wsdl has embedded xsd

In Mule ESB I want to validate incoming SOAP/XML, using a standard Mule "schema-validation filter".

Something like:

<mulexml:schema-validation-filter schemaLocations="xxx.xsd" name="xxxValidationFilter"/>

However this kind of definition seem to assume that the schema is located in a separate xsd-file, whereas in a lot of cases the schema definition is embedded in the "wsdl:types" element of a wsdl-file.

Is there any way to use the Mule schema-validation-filter to validate against schema's which are embedded in the wsdl (except for copying the schema element definitions out of the wsdl and into a separate xsd-file).


  • Mule service element tags which expose the service haave an attribute that can enable validation on the incoming request.

    <cxf:simple-service validationEnabled="true"/>
    <cxf:jaxws-service validationEnabled="true"/>
    <cxf:proxy-service validationEnabled="true"/>

    For more information refer to the following Mule documentation link.

    Hope this helps.