Now I am trying to make a xsd file based on xml just as below (the xml almost not editable):
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
<mystring xml:lang="en"></mystring>
<mystring xml:lang="fr"></mystring>
There is no problem to generate a test.xsd using a xml edit tool, but when bind the xml with the xsd add namespace like this
<root xmlns:xml=""
It not works, show error Attribute 'xml:lang' is not allowed to appear in element 'mystring'
Seems the attribute xml:lang is integrated in xml? How can i use it im my custom element attribute?
I am totally new with xml, greatly appreciate it if anybody could offer some advice...
to enbale the attibute xml:lang in my xml and xsd file
You need to import the schema And see how to use the imported attribute declaration(s) or declaration group(s).
Also keep in mind that for W3C resources like schemas and DTD it is better to use a local copy, often easily done with a catalog that maps W3C URIs to local file system URIs.