Suppose that I have the following code:
require 'curses'
loop {
ch = Curses.getch
case ch
when Curses::KEY_BACKSPACE
Curses.addstr('Backspace \n')
Curses.addstr("Key: #{ch} \n")
When I press the backspace key, I get the following output:
Key: 8
Expected output:
Why? What am I doing wrong? How can I fix it?
Thanks in advance.
You're not doing anything wrong. The problem is the definition of KEY_BACKSPACE, vs. what the terminal actually returns... it's a historical mess, basically.
Just check for \b
(or 8) instead of, or in addition to, KEY_BACKSPACE. (I'm not sure you'll ever get a returned value of KEY_BACKSPACE, in practice, but it's harmless enough to check for it.)