I have two select option and am using ng-options to get the data from json files. My concern is if a value is selected in first select, i need to automatically choose a corresponding value in the other select. I am able to populate the data in the dropdowns. but am unable to connect the two. Please help.
Below is my code for first select:
<select ng-model="firstType"
ng-options="firstValue as firstValue.value group by firstValue.group for firstValue in firstList" tabindex="1">
<option value=""></option>
And the second select is as follows:
<select ng-model="secondType"
ng-options="secondValue as secondValue.value group by secondValue.group for secondValue in secondList"
<option value=""></option>
And this is my code from controller:
$scope.firstType = "";
$scope.secondType = "";
$scope.isFirstTypeShow = true;
$scope.isSecondTypeShow = true;
$scope.firstTypeChange = function() {
$scope.formType = $scope.firstType.formType;
if ($scope.firstType.formType == 'inquiry') {
$scope.isSecondTypeShow = false;
} else if ($scope.firstType.formType != 'inquiry' || $scope.firstType.formType == null) {
$scope.isSecondTypeShow = true;
} else if ($scope.formType == 'known'){
$scope.secondType.formType = 'existing';
$scope.secondTypeChange = function() { $scope.secondFormType = $scope.secondType.formType;};
You have a problem with your second if statement
if ($scope.firstType.formType != 'inquiry' || $scope.firstType.formType == null) {
you already know from the first if statement this $scope.firstType.formType != 'inquiry' is true, which means this if statement is always true and the last if statement never gets reached.
The last if still wouldn't work though, you need to assign a value from your secondList to $scope.secondType to select the value. Check it out here JSFiddle
$scope.firstTypeChange = function () {
$scope.formType = $scope.firstType.value;
if ($scope.formType == 'inquiry') {
$scope.isSecondTypeShow = false;
} else if ($scope.formType == null) {
$scope.isSecondTypeShow = true;
else if ($scope.formType == 'known') {
$scope.secondType = $filter('filter')($scope.secondList, {value:'existing'})[0];
$scope.isSecondTypeShow = true;
else {
$scope.isSecondTypeShow = true;