I am having a problem with setting up collision detection. I've followed a few posts from this forum and the web, but can't seem to get it to work. I am trying to use the square bounding box approach, located in a function.
Square is the shape that moves around the canvas with user input, and impactSquare is the stationary shape that I am trying to test the impact with. I can't seem to figure out what part is causing it not to work.
//square bounding box
if (impactSquare.x < square.x + square.width &&
impactSquare.x + impactSquare.width > square.x &&
impactSquare.y < square.y + square.height &&
impactSquare.height + impactSquare.y > square.y) {
// collision detected!
console.log("Collision Detected");
} else {
// no collision
console.log("No Collision");
Thank you for an help you can provide!
You're probably having issues because you're trying the hitTest, which is pixel-perfect.
Here, use this: https://github.com/olsn/Collision-Detection-for-EaselJS works like a charm.
If the the intersection is empty, that's because there was no collision.
if (intersection !== null) {
// hit