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jQuery counter to count up to a target number

I'm trying to find out if anyone knows about an already existing jQuery plugin that will count up to a target number at a specified speed.

For example, take a look at Google's number of MB of free storage on the Gmail homepage, under the heading that reads "Lots of space". It has a starting number in a <span> tag, and slowly counts upward every second.

I'm looking for something similar, but I'd like to be able to specify:

  • The start number
  • The end number
  • The amount of time it should take to get from start to end.
  • A custom callback function that can execute when a counter is finished.


  • I ended up creating my own plugin. Here it is in case this helps anyone:

    (function($) {
        $.fn.countTo = function(options) {
            // merge the default plugin settings with the custom options
            options = $.extend({}, $.fn.countTo.defaults, options || {});
            // how many times to update the value, and how much to increment the value on each update
            var loops = Math.ceil(options.speed / options.refreshInterval),
                increment = ( - options.from) / loops;
            return $(this).each(function() {
                var _this = this,
                    loopCount = 0,
                    value = options.from,
                    interval = setInterval(updateTimer, options.refreshInterval);
                function updateTimer() {
                    value += increment;
                    if (typeof(options.onUpdate) == 'function') {
              , value);
                    if (loopCount >= loops) {
                        value =;
                        if (typeof(options.onComplete) == 'function') {
                  , value);
        $.fn.countTo.defaults = {
            from: 0,  // the number the element should start at
            to: 100,  // the number the element should end at
            speed: 1000,  // how long it should take to count between the target numbers
            refreshInterval: 100,  // how often the element should be updated
            decimals: 0,  // the number of decimal places to show
            onUpdate: null,  // callback method for every time the element is updated,
            onComplete: null,  // callback method for when the element finishes updating

    Here's some sample code of how to use it:

    <script type="text/javascript"><!--
        jQuery(function($) {
                from: 50,
                to: 2500,
                speed: 1000,
                refreshInterval: 50,
                onComplete: function(value) {
    <span class="timer"></span>

    View the demo on JSFiddle: