Hey guys I'm struggling trying to loop over productData.colors_and_sizes.data[i].sizes
collection to put them into a single ng-option
drop down.
The data set is straight forward but i've only used ng-option
inside an array of strings.
Is it possible to loop over the productData.colors_and_sizes.data[x].sizes
w/o transforming the data into an array of strings? I feel I just need to count over [i]
but I dunno how :c
loop over productData.colors_and_sizes.data[i].sizes
<select ng-model="item.mySize" ng-options="choice as choice for choice in productData.colors_and_sizes.data[i].sizes">
<option value="">Please select a size</option>
in the end, the values will be: Twin, Full, Queen, King
<option ng-repeat="opt in options" value="{{opt.value}}">{{opt.text}}</option>
that sort of thing should do it in general. So then the trick is getting your data in there. Assuming you're just using strings, it could be
<option ng-repeat="item in productData.colors_and_sizes.data" value="{{item.sizes}}">{{item.sizes}}</option>
It's a little weird to name the field 'sizes' when it seems to be a singular resource ("Twin" rather than ["Twin", "Full"...]), but as long as sizes is just a string, you can access it like the above.