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static and dynamic allocation of memory

I read in documentation of static memory allocation and dynamic memory allocation that

Static memory allocation refers to the process of reserving memory at compile-time before the associated program is executed, unlike dynamic-memory allocation which took place at run-time.

My question is:-

How memory can be reserved during compile-time?

Take for example

#include <stdlib.h>
void main()
    int i;

The above code is an example of static memory allocation.

The variable i will load into the memory only during run-time i.e. during the execution of the program, then how memory can be allocated to it during compile-time?


  • Objects in C can have one of three storage durations:

    • static
    • auto
    • dynamic

    Objects with static storage duration have memory allocated for them when the program starts up, and the memory won't be released until the program exits. This is usually done by reserving space within the program image itself; IOW, the binary file of your program has a few sections reserved for constant (.rdata or .rodata) and non-constant (.bss) data. That's what they mean by being reserved at compile time; the compiler sets aside sections within the generated binary file for data storage. These sections aren't usable until the program is loaded into memory and run, though.

    Objects with auto storage duration have memory allocated for them at runtime when the program enters their enclosing scope and released when the program exits that scope.

    Given the following code:

    void foo( void )
      int x;
      for ( x = 0; x < 100; x++ )
        int y = x * 2;

    Logically speaking, the space for x will be set aside when you enter the function foo and held until foo exits, and the space for y will be set aside when you enter the for loop and released when the loop exits. In practice (at least on the platforms I'm familiar with), the space for both will be set aside at function entry and released at function exit, but you shouldn't assume that the space for y will be usable outside of the loop.

    Most systems use a stack for managing objects with auto storage duration1.

    Objects with dynamic storage duration have their memory set aside by calling the library functions malloc, calloc, or realloc, and that memory is held until it is explicitly released with a call to free:

    void *foo( void )
      void *mem = malloc( SOME_MEMORY );
      return mem;
    void bar( void )
      void *data = foo();
      free( data );

    The variables mem and bar both have auto storage duration. mem only exists within foo and data only exists within bar. However, the object they both point to has dynamic storage duration; it is allocated in foo and held until explcitly released in bar.

    The memory pool for these objects is usually referred to as the "heap".

    1. C was originally designed on systems that used a stack for managing runtime data, so it's a natural way to implement the behavior of auto variables. However, the language definition is written in such a way to accomodate non-stack-based systems, although they'd be a pain in the ass to implement.