Search code examples

Parse Cloud Code: Delete All Objects After Query


I have an app that allows users to create an account, but also allows the user's the ability to delete their account. Upon deletion of their account I have a Cloud Code function that will delete all of the "Post"s the user has made. The cloud code I am using is...

//Delete all User's posts
Parse.Cloud.define("deletePosts", function(request, response) {

    var userID = request.params.userID;

    var query = new Parse.Query(Parse.Post);
    query.equalTo("postedByID", userID);
    query.find().then(function (users) {

        //What do I do HERE to delete the posts? {
        }, function(error) {

    }, function (error) {





Once I have the query made for all of the user's posts, how do I then delete them? (see: //What do I do HERE?)


  • Updates in-line below below your "What do I do HERE..." comment:


    1. You don't need to call the save() method, so I took that out.

    2. This, of course, is merely a matter of personal preference, but you may want to choose a parameter name that makes a little more sense than "users", since you're really not querying users, but rather Posts (that just happen to be related to a user).

    Parse.Cloud.define("deletePosts", function(request, response) {
        var userID = request.params.userID;
        var query = new Parse.Query(Parse.Post);
        query.equalTo("postedByID", userID);
        query.find().then(function (users) {
            //What do I do HERE to delete the posts?
            users.forEach(function(user) {
                    success: function() {
                        // SUCCESS CODE HERE, IF YOU WANT
                    error: function() {
                        // ERROR CODE HERE, IF YOU WANT
        }, function (error) {