I'm looking for information when Jena 2.0 was released and what was Jena version when Apache had taken it from HP (2009). I was looking for it Jena GitHub, but first commit in this service was already in 2.7 RC version (https://github.com/apache/jena/commits/trunk?page=70). Besides Googling I've checked Jena archives repository (http://archive.apache.org/dist/jena/binaries), but it also dates back only to 2012 when Jena 2.7 was released. Where can I find older releases (not necessarily binaries, I need build info + date) of Jena? I need this for research purpose.
Jena moved from sourceforge to apache during 2.0. You can find pre-apache versions there.
The answers according to that:
It isn't obvious from the sourceforge pages, but you can browse jena's history in cvs and svn (which held related components like arq and fuseki).