I'm using https://forge.puppetlabs.com/spiette/selinux
In site.pp for a node where I want the module installed I have:
selinux::module { "varnishlnkfile":
ensure => "present",
source => "puppet:///modules/selinux/modules",
and I'm getting:
err: /File[/varnishlnkfile.te]: Could not evaluate: Could not retrieve information from environment development source(s) puppet:///modules/selinux/varnishlnkfile.te at /etc/puppet/modules/selinux/manifests/module.pp:52
I found this GitHub issue https://github.com/spiette/puppet-selinux/issues/5 but following it does not change anything.
The .te file is in:
Earlier it was in:
and the error message was the same.
The correct URL for the agent to retrieve /etc/puppet/modules/selinux/varnishlnkfile.te
For /etc/puppet/modules/selinux/modules/varnishlnkfile.te
The error does not seem to relate to the manifest you pasted. If this doesn't help, please clean up your question with one consistent set of information.