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Eclipse Luna Hanging when Loading Debug Configuration

Having a problem with Eclipse (Luna) IDE, while running the program I encountered a never ending loop so had to terminate the program. After which every-time I try to re-run the program it just hangs when loading the Debug Configuration.

I am trying to create a Eclipse Plug-in to retrieve a file name and add comments to it. I don't believe there's an error with the program as it was working fine before. I have tested a simple helloWorld program in another workspace to see if there were any problems but that program works fine. From what I have read it could be something to do with the metadata file but I have no idea how to correct it.


When attempting to load the Eclipse Luna box pops up (this is normal) in the bottom right-hand corner of the box, it shows what it is loading. It seems to hang at the point when it is trying to load org.eclipse.web.core.

The program was working fine up before the loop happened and I could run it without any problems.

When Eclipse stops responding it asks "if you wish to close the program" and below that it offers you some problem details which are listed below.

Problem Details

Problem signature:

  • Problem Event Name: AppHangB1
  • Application Name: javaw.exe
  • Application Version:
  • Application Timestamp: 539f94f3
  • Hang Signature: 8701
  • Hang Type: 134217728
  • OS Version: 6.3.9600.
  • Locale ID: 2057
  • Additional Hang Signature 1: 8701579a6fb10e5d0065e1f36c8dcf91
  • Additional Hang Signature 2: 6c5e
  • Additional Hang Signature 3: 6c5ef7fd43455b1ace2cb9fa4a881a13
  • Additional Hang Signature 4: 8701
  • Additional Hang Signature 5: 8701579a6fb10e5d0065e1f36c8dcf91
  • Additional Hang Signature 6: 6c5e
  • Additional Hang Signature 7: 6c5ef7fd43455b1ace2cb9fa4a881a13

Have Tried

Cleaning and rebuilding all projects, disabling firewalls and antiviruses, creating another basic program, reinstalling Eclipse and Java.


  • I finally figured it out, within local Workspace I deleted the .metadata folder and then just re-imported the project this got it working again.

    It seems when it got stuck in the loop the .Lock file was not closed properly within the .metadata folder and prevented eclipse from starting the Debug Configuration.

    These questions also have some answerers that might work as well without having to delete the .metadata folder:

    How do I prevent Eclipse from hanging on startup?

    Eclipse hangs on loading workbench