Let me explain my scenario,
I have created a spring web application and deployed on tomcat. Then I opened a chrome browser and launched the application. It run successfully. Then again I have opened a new Browser lets say IE/Firefox. Then again I relaunched my application on it. Then the session available at Chrome browser should be invalidated or redirected to Login page. In simple way, I should be able access my web page in one browser at a time.
Is there any way to achieve this using spring ?? or any other way ??
Thanks Naveen
You did not say how you do your authentication. But as you are allready using Spring, I would advice you to use also Spring security that has configurable session management out of the box.
Using html config, you can ask that a new session invalidate a previous from same user with (extract from Spring Security Reference Manual 3.2.x / Security Namespace Configuration / Advanced Web Features / Session Management) :
<concurrency-control max-sessions="1" />
or that a new session will fail with :
<concurrency-control max-sessions="1" error-if-maximum-exceeded="true" />