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Is it possbile to use Kendo MVVM inside of MarionetteJS ItemView or Layout?

In my project, page is already developed by using MarionetteJS Layouts with KendoUI libraries, inside this application views I would like to implement Kendo MVVM only in specifc views, is this possible? or should I need to look for manual event handling and rerendering the views?

As a sample I tried like below, I don't have much skill on MarionetteJS, so please advise me on the possible other better approaches.

<h2>Kendo MVVM with Marionette</h2>
    <script type="text/html" id="sample-template">    
    <%= value1 %></br>    
   <label> Duration:  </label>
   <input id="Duration" type="text" data-bind="value: DurationValue" />   
    <button id="myButton">Increase Duration</button>


<div id="container"class="well">

Many thanks in advance!!


  • Can you try this?

    <h2>Kendo MVVM with Marionette</h2>
        <script type="text/html" id="sample-template">    
        <%= value1 %></br>    
       <label> Duration:  </label>   
        <button id="myButton">Increase Duration</button>
    <input id="Duration" type="text" data-bind="value: DurationValue" />   
    <div id="container"class="well">

    And the java script content is:

    var SampleView = Backbone.Marionette.ItemView.extend({
        template : "#sample-template",
        events :{
        "click #myButton" : "IncreaseDuration"
        IncreaseDuration : function () {
          var value = parseInt(viewModelDuration.get("DurationValue"));
            value = value+1;
       var viewModelDuration = new{                           
       DurationValue: 1                       
    var value = parseInt(viewModelDuration.get("DurationValue"));
    var SampleModel = Backbone.Model.extend({
        defaults : {
            value1 : value, //"Value From viewModelDuration",  How to assign??    
    var sampleModel = new SampleModel();
    viewModelDuration.bind("change", function(e) {    
        value = parseInt(viewModelDuration.get("DurationValue"));  
        sampleModel.set({value1: value}); 
    var sampleView = new SampleView({
        el : '#container'
    kendo.bind($("#Duration"), viewModelDuration);

    [Answer] Updated Fiddle: