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How to disable <select> based on other <select> on Select2.js

i'm having a little trouble with disabling a "select" input.

I need to disable "cidade" whenever nothing is selected on "estado".

here's my code:

<select id="estado" class="select_customized">
    <option value="sp">São Paulo</option>
    <option value="mg">Minas Gerais</option>
    <option value="rj">Rio de Janeiro</option>


<select id="cidade" class="select_customized">
     <option value="sao-paulo">São Paulo</option>
     <option value="minas-gerais">Minas Gerais</option>
     <option value="rio-de-janeiro">Rio de Janeiro</option>


And here's the script i'm using:

$("#cidade").select2("enable", false); 


    var is_empty = $('#estado').is(":empty");


            $("#cidade").select2("enable", false); 


        else {

            $("#cidade").select2("enable", true); 



this kinda works, but whenever i choose something on the "estado" input, and clear it again, "cidade" does not disable again... any suggestions?


  • You probably want to use the select2 call to check if the selection box is empty, instead of going into the original #estado box you created (since that is hidden by select2).

    Your call:

    var is_empty = $('#estado').is(":empty");

    then can be changed to something like:

    var is_empty = $('#estado').select2("val") == "";

    and that did the job for me. Note that the actual comparison above will differ a bit depending on for example if you are using a multi-valued selection box.