I've been trying to set the timezone of a dashing.io app (which runs under sinatra) with no success at all!
Doing: Time.zone
ends up with NoMethodError - undefined method 'zone=' for Time:Class:
I've tried the solution at How to set timezone in ActiveSupport's TimeZone class :
require 'active_support/all'
But then i get the error: require': cannot load such file -- active_support/all (LoadError)
Active Support is not installed by default.
There are two stages of using third-party library's.
First things first, I assume that you follow the official guide on dashing.io.
stage 1 - Installation
With this in place you can add the gem activesupport
which you need for this in to your Gemfile. Just adding a line like this:
gem 'activesupport'
After that you need to install it, you can do that with just running a second time bundle
this fetch all gems and install it.
stage 2 - Registration
After you installed it, you can do what you tried with:
require 'active_support/all'
This tell that you load the active_support library.
After this two simple steps you can use Time.zone
as expected.