I'm looking for a way to import the Quandl's harmonized data into r.
I tried to use Quandl package with:
Quandl("RAYMOND/MSFT_COSTOFREVENUE_Q", trim_start="2009-06-27", trim_end="2014-03-29")
but with no luck so I tried:
Quandl("RAYMOND/MSFT_COST_OF_REVENUE_Q", trim_start="2009-06-27", trim_end="2014-03-29")
The error that I got is:
Requested entity does not exist. This could mean the code does not exist or the parameters you have passed have returned an empty dataset.
Any Idea?
It was a typo on the page you were looking at.
The call is:
Quandl("RAYMOND/MSFT_COST_OF_REVENUE_TOTAL_Q", trim_start="2009-06-27", trim_end="2014-03-29")