I have a problem. I am using in jsp the following:
<%@ taglib prefix="fmt" uri="http://java.sun.com/jsp/jstl/fmt" %>
<fmt:formatDate type="date" pattern="dd.MM.YYYY" value="${booking.startDate}"/>
having date as : 2014-12-29 or represented as long 1419807600000, which is displayed as 29.12.2015, which is wrong.
What I have found: formatDate uses internally Gregoriancalendar#getWeekYear()
right after the following piece of code :
if (field == CalendarBuilder.WEEK_YEAR) {
if (calendar.isWeekDateSupported()) {
value = calendar.getWeekYear();
which goes to this piece of code inside GregorianCalendar#getWeekYear()
if (year > gregorianCutoverYear + 1) {
int weekOfYear = internalGet(WEEK_OF_YEAR);
if (internalGet(MONTH) == JANUARY) {
if (weekOfYear >= 52) {
} else {
if (weekOfYear == 1) {
return year;
Obviosly, the problem is here :
if (weekOfYear == 1) {
So, week of the year is 1, because 29.12.2014 actually is in the first week of the year 2015. I use German locale for this, which means that the first week of year is the first week with 4 or more days in the new year.
Still, my format doesn't work properly. Any suggestions?
Thanks a lot.
is the week year, not the year. yyyy
is the year. See http://docs.oracle.com/javase/7/docs/api/java/text/SimpleDateFormat.html