What is the C# System.Diagnostics.Conditional
equivalent of #if (!DEBUG)
I want to encrypt a section of the app.config file of a console application if it has not been compiled in DEBUG mode. This is achieved like so:
public static void Main(string[] args)
#if (!DEBUG)
but somehow, I prefer decorating the encrypt method with a conditional attribute:
internal static void EncryptAppSettings()
however this makes the compiler sad: The argument to the 'System.Diagnostics.ConditionalAttribute' attribute must be a valid identifier...
What is the correct syntax for negating the Conditional argument?
EDIT: Thanks to @Gusdor, I used this (I preferred to keep the Program.cs file free of if/else debug logic):
#if !DEBUG
internal static void EncryptAppSettings()
Using the attribute will be a bit of a hack but it can be done.
//you have nothing to do here but c# requires it
#define NOT_DEBUG //define a symbol specifying a non debug environment
internal static void EncryptAppSettings()