I'm trying to select an item from a html generated list in this webpage :
For example the Birthday listbox has been tested with the following with no success:
browserInstance.SelectList(Find.ByClass("goog-inline-block goog-flat-menu-button jfk-select")).Focus();
browserInstance.SelectList(Find.ByClass("goog-inline-block goog-flat-menu-button jfk-select")).Click();
This doesn't work also:
Div birth = browserInstance.Div(Find.ByClass("goog-inline-block goog-flat-menu-button jfk-select"));
The click does not trigger , no list appear as it does when you click the div in the UI.
How can I select an item from the list?
If you see the HTML of the page, it is not referred as Select List instead it is a list of Div's where each element is referred to a single month. You can use the below code to select a random month from the drop down list.
System.Collections.ObjectModel.ReadOnlyCollection<IWebElement> months = browserInstance.FindElement(By.ClassName("goog-menu-vertical")).FindElements(By.ClassName("goog-menuitem-content"));
months[new Random().Next(0, 11)].Click();
PS: Used delay for testing, you can update it based on your need.