So, I'm doing this challenge called valid palindrome and I'm stuck.
My code works for small/medium strings but when it runs I get a Time Limit Exceeded
message which means there has to be a better way to optimize my code.
I was looking at using the charAt()
and do something like ... since it's a palindrome... split it half and do a quick check of opposing characters in a for loop but I'm stuck here.
* Palindrome Word Checker
* Tests to see if an input phrase is a
* palindrome (read the same if read backward and forwards)
import java.util.Scanner;
public class wordPalindrome {
public static void main(String[] args) {
Scanner scanner = new Scanner(System. in );
System.out.println("Palindrome Word Checker\nEnter a phrase, please:");
String theWord = "";
while (true) {
theWord = scanner.nextLine();
System.out.println(theWord + ": " + wordPalindrome(theWord));
public static boolean wordPalindrome(String word) {
// SECONDLY, we check to see how we much of the word
// is left until verification. We check first to prevent
// array (out of bounds) exception errors.
if (word.length() == 0 || word.length() == 1) return true;
// FIRST we take the last letter and compare it to the first letter
// if it matches, then we move onward and return to the function
// with a new word. By substring(), we take off the first/last letters
// and we keep repeating this process until the length is
// at 0 or 1 for odd/even lengthed words to verify its status
if (word.charAt(word.length() - 1) == word.charAt(0))
return wordPalindrome(word.substring(1, word.length() - 1));
// if we fail to make an ID, then it's obviously
// not a palindrome and we return false
return false;
Here is what "string" they use to crash my program: pastebin. How do I withstand a string that long? I can't obviously use String since it's so long... too much info.
A better way than recursion would be an iterative process. You can use charAt
and a loop that processes half the string and the other half at the same time. I won't code it up, but I'll ive pseudocode that you could try to use. I recommend coding it up in Java as a challenge to yourself: