I am looking for a way to route different subdomains to different plugins. I looked through the API docs, and didn't find anything helpful.
I ended up making a simple class to create plugins that only work on certain subdomains. Here it is.
var Plugin = function(attributes, routes) {
// Add our routes to the server
this.register = function(plugin, options, next) {
// Loop through the selected servers and add the routes
plugin.servers.forEach(function(server) {
// Loop through the routes and add the vhost option
routes.map(function(route) {
route.vhost = attributes.vhosts.map(function(vhost) {
return vhost + "." + server.info.host;
// Add the routes
// Add our attributes
this.register.attributes = attributes;
Then you can make a new plugin and specify the subdomains easily. Example:
var plugin = new Plugin([
// Your route or routes here
], {
vhosts: ["array", "of", "subdomains"]