Search code examples

Return no records if FIndKey results in False?

Using TDataSet.FindKey you can locate records. When it results in True the datasets cursor will be positioned on the found record.
I use this when I select items in a list on the left, corresponding data should appear on the right.
When it results in False the cursor is not moved. This results in the record data prior to FindKey being displayed in data aware components on the right.

How can I code the result of FindKey to return an empty record?

    if Not tblSomeTable.FindKey([SomeSearchData]) then
        < code to return empty or move data cursor to neutral position >

Update: (Waited a few days before selecting right answer as I believe that is the custom and didn't wan to discourage further feedback.) There were several suggestions on tackling this situation although I believe the correct answer was from Marcelo in that it is not possible to have a cursor not be on a record. Several workarounds were suggested. I chose one of my own. It went something like:

    If Not tblSomeTable.FindKey([SomeSearchData]) then

What I did is create a dummy, blank record with an index that the actual data can never be, ie: The first index value will never be -1. If the initial search comes up empty then the FindKey will position the cursor on this empty record. This will provide the visual effect I was after.


  • This is not possible as far as I know. The cursor must always be on a record unless Bof and Eof are both true (empty data set).